EVE can be a dangerous place. Not just from the perspective of someone wanting to kill you all the time (!), but also from players whose game style is to bring down Corporations and Alliances from within, or to remove large amounts of assets and/or ISK. Either that, or they may be spying for a rival group.
For this reason, many organisations in EVE will conduct security audits on new players joining their ranks. One of the tools used for this purpose is SeAT.
SeAT stands for “Simple, EVE Online API Tool”. It is also a very effective Corporation management utility. SeAT has been around for many years and used by various Corporations and Alliances throughout EVE for auditing and managing the members of their organisation.
How does SeAT work?
SeAT utilises EVE Online API calls and SSO (Single Sign On) services to pull “scopes” from a character’s data held by EVE Online (CCP). This data is then configured into an easy-to-read format through a web server.
What scopes are required by SeAT?
The scopes required by SeAT are down to the organisation but generally include all ESI (Electronically Stored Information) held against a character. This includes contact lists, Evemails, personal assets, wallet information and other data, that when scrutinised, could indicate a character is not who they claim to be. When a character signs into SeAT through the EVE Online SSO, they have the choice to allow access by the organisation to the ESI data requested.
Can just anybody access and see my data?
Simply put – no.
Access to an individual’s ESI data is restricted to authorised, and high-level, Corporation members only. This will typically be the CEO, their 2IC (if they have one) and any designated, and trusted, recruitment officers.
All data is encrypted within the corporation’s server database and access is controlled through the hidden SeAT admin panel that only the server administrator can access through SSH (Secure Shell). From here, the administrator can set the relevant access levels. This depicts what data (corporation-based or an individual’s ESI) members can and cannot view.
What characters do I have to register?
As part of the security checks, you will be required to register your main character, as well as any alt characters you may have in the game. This includes any and all characters on separate accounts other than the one you use to apply to our corporation.
What if I do not want to submit my character(s) for a security audit?
As mentioned, EVE can be a dangerous place for Corporations and Alliances. A security audit helps to ensure that applicants are who they claim to be, as well as ensuring that they are joining with the best interest of the organisation at heart
It is entirely your decision if you want to allow Zarnfell access to your ESI data to conduct their security checks. Unfortunately, if you do not allow us to conduct our checks, then your application will not be taken any further with us.
How do I register my character(s) with Zarnfell?
You will be sent a link to our instance of SeAT by one of the recruiting members.
Once at the site, you will need to sign in with EVE Online’s SSO. We recommend signing in with your main character initially. Accept the scopes requested by Zarnfell’s SeAT instance. They will all be listed for you to view. Once accepted, you will see your character in the main screen.
To add additional characters, go to the little cog icon in the top-right of the screen, click on it and select “Profile”. In the new window that opens, click on “link another character” in the lower-right of the screen. Add your character in the same way you did for your main character. Repeat all steps until all your characters are added to the roster.